Wishing you all a lovely holiday season!
the eagle has landed
I was excited to receive a beautifully wrapped package from the Czech Republic two days ago.
Inside the package I found my issue of STYL Magazine. It's so rewarding to see my work in print.
Inside the package I found my issue of STYL Magazine. It's so rewarding to see my work in print.
Visit STYL Magazine to learn more about this new publication.
styl magazine
I am honored to have my stationery featured in this new independent magazine.
Check out the spread that features my Sepia Poetry Upcycled Envelopes.
Visit STYL Magazine to learn more.
ps...Thanks, Riz!
holiday festival
For the past month I've been searching for a holiday bazaar that would be a good fit for my stationery line. I was excited to come across this event on Facebook. The Russell Street Holiday Festival is being hosted by Icon Tattoo in Portland on December 5th. This event is a benefit for p:ear. "p:ear builds positive relationships with homeless and transitional youth, ages 15 to 24, through education, art and recreation to affirm personal worth and create more meaningful and healthier lives." Watch this video to learn more about what they do.
Artists and crafters involved in the holiday bazaar are donating items for the silent auction. Preview the items here.
Click on the poster above for more details.
Hope to see you there!
mary's grandaughter interview
(left to right) emma I - embroidery, greta doll VI- with balloons, greta is not amused brooch, she holds the key
I'm a huge fan of Cindy Steiler's line of textile art, Mary's Granddaughter. I was very curious about what inspires her work. So, I asked her to share a bit about herself.
Who taught you to sew?
My great-grandmother, Mary Steiler, taught me to sew by hand when I was a young girl. I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. She taught me how to use her 1922 White sewing machine when I was 8. She also taught me to crochet and cook. She was a remarkable woman. She sewed every stitch of clothing she ever wore and my mother's and grandmother's wedding dresses. She gave me such an appreciation for things made by hand. I miss her.
What inspired you to sell your work on Etsy?
I am not sure. I think it started because I wanted feedback on my new work. For the first time after years of making others' visions come to life as a set designer and scenic artist for the stage I was creating what I wanted to create. It felt great to be illustrating my own stories and scenes from inside my head and I wanted to see what others thought of it. My experience with Etsy has been wonderful and has far exceeded any expectations I had in the beginning. Etsy has given me the opportunity for my work to be seen around the world. This exposure has brought many good things my way besides sales. I have been offered gallery shows, my work has been published in a magazine and two books that will be out next year. I have met talented and supportive craftspeople and artists from all over. It has been a great experience thus far and I can't wait to see what comes in the future. I am very grateful for a venue like Etsy!
Tell me a little bit about your process.
I wish I understood it better. Ideas seem to come mostly at night before I fall asleep. I keep a sketckbook on my nightstand to jot down these ideas. Actually I keep a sketchbook with me always. I usually let the ideas stew for a while until I see clearly in my head how the finished piece will look. I distill the sketches down to a pattern and get to work. I've learned to never force ideas. Sometimes I'll stop working on a piece if I feel "stuck" and I'll run across it a few weeks or months later and finish with ease and sometimes it stays unfinished.
Right now I have mother and daughter series brewing. Colleges have started actively trying to recruit my daughter and for the first time the fact that she is growing up and will be starting her own life soon has hit home. I've been exploring all of the feelings I have surrounding this and sketching alot. I am almost ready to start it.
Name a few of your current obsessions.
Dr. Who, Linen, coffee, little porcelain doll arms, old photos, pom pom trim, block printing
What is your personal soundtrack?
A few of my favorites that I work to, drive to and live to: Radiohead, Elliot Smith, Iron and Wine, Gregory Alan Isakov, Beth Orton,The Royal Tennenbaums soundtrack. I tend to be drawn to music that is a little sad and melancholy.
When you aren't creating things, what do you enjoy doing?
When I am not working at my day job or creating I am spending time with my daughter Tessa. She is a strong, beautiful junior in high school who never ceases to amaze me. She is on crew so I spend a good bit of time at the lake and traveling to regattas. Everything meshes rather well in our home. We're different in every way but we have a profound respect for each other. I also love going to estate sales and thrift stores and traveling.
Who taught you to sew?
My great-grandmother, Mary Steiler, taught me to sew by hand when I was a young girl. I was maybe 5 or 6 years old. She taught me how to use her 1922 White sewing machine when I was 8. She also taught me to crochet and cook. She was a remarkable woman. She sewed every stitch of clothing she ever wore and my mother's and grandmother's wedding dresses. She gave me such an appreciation for things made by hand. I miss her.
What inspired you to sell your work on Etsy?
I am not sure. I think it started because I wanted feedback on my new work. For the first time after years of making others' visions come to life as a set designer and scenic artist for the stage I was creating what I wanted to create. It felt great to be illustrating my own stories and scenes from inside my head and I wanted to see what others thought of it. My experience with Etsy has been wonderful and has far exceeded any expectations I had in the beginning. Etsy has given me the opportunity for my work to be seen around the world. This exposure has brought many good things my way besides sales. I have been offered gallery shows, my work has been published in a magazine and two books that will be out next year. I have met talented and supportive craftspeople and artists from all over. It has been a great experience thus far and I can't wait to see what comes in the future. I am very grateful for a venue like Etsy!
Tell me a little bit about your process.
I wish I understood it better. Ideas seem to come mostly at night before I fall asleep. I keep a sketckbook on my nightstand to jot down these ideas. Actually I keep a sketchbook with me always. I usually let the ideas stew for a while until I see clearly in my head how the finished piece will look. I distill the sketches down to a pattern and get to work. I've learned to never force ideas. Sometimes I'll stop working on a piece if I feel "stuck" and I'll run across it a few weeks or months later and finish with ease and sometimes it stays unfinished.
Right now I have mother and daughter series brewing. Colleges have started actively trying to recruit my daughter and for the first time the fact that she is growing up and will be starting her own life soon has hit home. I've been exploring all of the feelings I have surrounding this and sketching alot. I am almost ready to start it.
Name a few of your current obsessions.
Dr. Who, Linen, coffee, little porcelain doll arms, old photos, pom pom trim, block printing
What is your personal soundtrack?
A few of my favorites that I work to, drive to and live to: Radiohead, Elliot Smith, Iron and Wine, Gregory Alan Isakov, Beth Orton,The Royal Tennenbaums soundtrack. I tend to be drawn to music that is a little sad and melancholy.
When you aren't creating things, what do you enjoy doing?
When I am not working at my day job or creating I am spending time with my daughter Tessa. She is a strong, beautiful junior in high school who never ceases to amaze me. She is on crew so I spend a good bit of time at the lake and traveling to regattas. Everything meshes rather well in our home. We're different in every way but we have a profound respect for each other. I also love going to estate sales and thrift stores and traveling.
etsy faves,
old drawers, new shelves
A couple months ago I visited The Rebuilding Center in Portland. It's an amazing warehouse full of salvaged building materials priced to move. You could buy anything from a bath tub to a full set of kitchen cabinets. They also have a ReFind gallery featuring artwork and home decor crafted from reclaimed building supplies. One of my favorite pieces was a set of drawers made into shelves. So, I purchased two kitchen drawers for $2 a piece. A friend of mine mounted them end to end on the wall of my shop. I love how they turned out.
A woman celebrating her 65th birthday made my day today. She spent about half an hour perusing each item in my shop. At one point she sat on the floor to get a better look at some books. I loved it. It suddenly occurred to me that I'm achieving my goal. I have a shop where people feel comfortable enough to plop down and dig through my stuff.
I'm working on some new stationery designs. Stay tuned...
thank you

Thanks to all of you that visited my shop on the day of my grand opening! I also really appreciated all the lovely emails from my pals. The day was such a blast. It was great to finally get some feedback on my stationery line. This summer has been intense with working my day job and trying to build up my inventory. Lately I've felt pretty burnt out. After having my stationery so well received by the community my passion is renewed. I'm back on the hunt for great old books to make into envelopes.
Tourist season is winding down here on the coast. Things will be slowing down at my shop. I'm focusing on cranking out work to sell on Etsy. I'm also brainstorming about shops and galleries to approach with my stationery line. Time to branch out...
My shop was featured in one of the local newspapers last week. Check it out here.
come one, come all

farewell july
The past month has been pretty crazy. Tourist season has kicked into high gear here on the Oregon Coast. My "day job" is dominating my life these days. I'm a reservationist for a vacation rental business. It's a very hectic job this time of year. I enjoy my Fridays and Saturdays sitting in my shop creating stationery and chatting with customers. Every time I walk through my green shop door I can't believe the space is all mine. I still have so many ideas and plans for my stationery line.
In good news...I found out my stationery is going to featured in a new magazine called STYL. I'll keep you posted.
Here are a few more pictures of my shop/studio:
new space
This morning I signed a lease for the space behind that blue door. I have a long list of things to do before I can open up for business. I'm overwhelmed and very excited. The space has been empty for a couple years so it's a bit shabby and musty. I look forward to putting fresh paint on the walls and arranging my goods.
instructional stationery
Paneling with Plywood
Upcycled Stationery Set
Available at Paragraph Cove by Just Us Women.
PS...Thanks Teresa for featuring my stationery on your blog at, artsyrubbish.com.
the sun came out
So, I've decided I need to share more about myself on my blog instead of just promoting my latest work.
Here are some tidbits about me:
1. I live in a little house in a small town.
2. I dropped out of art school because I couldn't take out anymore school loans.
3. I live with my Mom and her sassy cat, Stormy.
4. I used to sell handmade bags and scarves under the name Functional Textures.
5. I like lists.
6. The name Paragraph Cove is named after an inside joke between my Mom and I
7. My work is heavily influenced by the coastal community I live in.
8. My current obsession is bow ties. I recently bought a sparkly gold one.
9. I've been listening to The Zombies, Johnny Cash and Spiritualized a lot lately. Kind of a weird combo.
10. I'm looking for a studio space where I can spread out my work and sing along to June Carter Cash til the wee hours.
PS...I was featured on Heather's super cool blog, heathersthompson.typepad.com. Check out her sweet vintage goods at gatheringvintage.etsy.com. Thanks again, Heather!
behind the scenes
Each week I will be posting behind the scenes pictures on Flickr of my studio/home and the Oregon coast.
Check em out: flickr.com/photos/paragraphcove/
oregon coast,
cereal for dinner
Here are some new sets of stationery I made this week.
I also made two more sailing themed sets.
Sense of Time
Land Formations
I also made two more sailing themed sets.
Stay tuned for some radical instructional stationery...
Well, I'm gonna have some cereal for dinner. I'm too tired to whip anything else up.
My upcycled stationery is available at my etsy shop, paragraph cove by just us women.
PS. Thanks Kerri Anne for featuring my sailing stationery on your blog at 5minutesforgoinggreen.comWell, I'm gonna have some cereal for dinner. I'm too tired to whip anything else up.
My upcycled stationery is available at my etsy shop, paragraph cove by just us women.
these boobs are made for walking
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is our opportunity to honor and
celebrate breast cancer survivors, educate women about early detection
and prevention, and raise money to fund lifesaving research and
support programs to help fight breast cancer.
My goal is to raise $100 for the cause. Every little bit helps. If
you'd like to make a donation, click on the link below. If you're
unable to make a donation...say a little prayer to keep the rain from
falling on us on Saturday. Thanks so much.
Make a Donation
Check out the Making Strides website to learn more about the event.
american cancer society,
making strides,
sailing & roaring 20's
I just added a few new stationery sets to my etsy shop. Take a gander...
Check out the other set.
These are new too.
classic black and white
My graphic oddments envelopes are featured in this lovely treasury by thismodernbelle. Check it out.
ode to white lightning

If you aren't following this blog, you should probably re-examine your priorities.
dress barn,
white lightning,
sleep dream play interview

I recently came across a colorful and quirky Etsy shop called Sleep Dream Play. The owner, Alice Potter, was kind enough to answer a few questions for me.
Where are you located?
I am based in London, England, where I have lived, worked and studied all my life.
What is your vision for your Sleep Dream Play label?
Well I still see myself really finding a niche, and to find the things that I really enjoy making. (I think I am almost at this stage) Essentially I want the label to be a familiar household name within the design world.
What are some of your favorite tools and materials?
Generally, my work starts off with a drawing, so good quality pens and pencils are a must. I tend to use technical pencils, and Copic pens or Letrasets. I also couldn’t live without my computer, which is my hub. It’s where I work on designs in Photoshop, changing colours, shapes etc. Fabric is also an important element in my work.
Where do you draw your inspiration?
Most of the time it’s just imagination, or sometimes I have had an idea for ages and it finally gets to a point when I have to do something about it. I have an old science text book from the early 20th century, and was so eager to work on an idea based on this book. Eventually without thinking too much about what I was doing I pumped out 5 collage illustrations in one morning which used the black and white diagrams from this book. I am also inspired by times gone past, trying to capture a sense of nostalgia in my work, but always with a hint of wit.
When you aren't creating things, what do you enjoy doing?
Well, I have a part time job as a book seller, so books are important to me too. I love to read. Especially kids books, which you can just really enjoy for the story, and not be caught up in a serious or depressing storyline. I am also a huge fan of music, and as I don’t play an instrument any more, listening and reading about music is also fun.
Name five songs you can't get enough of these days.
1. Our Love Was by The Who (The Who Sell Out)
2. The entire Quadrophenia record (such a great story behind the songs) by The Who
3. The Thrill Of It All by Roxy Music (Country Life)
4. Morning Dreams by Ladyhawke
5. Ghetto Defendant by The Clash
sleep dream play
fellow seller
My Etsy shop, Just Us Women, isn't just a place to buy upcycle stationery. I also sell vintage housewares. Yesterday I received a message from Robin Lynne notifying me that she is featuring one of my vintage items on her blog. Also, check out her photos and wearable art at Taken By Robin Lynne.
Photo Pendant Glass Circle Little Wing Wearable Art by Robin Lynne
PS: Thanks, Robin!
PS: Thanks, Robin!
fellow oregonian
I'd like to thank Leslie for featuring my etsy shop, Just Us Women, on her blog.
Check out her shop, BurgundyDistrict.
Check out her shop, BurgundyDistrict.
come on, come on
Buy any set of stationery and get another set (of equal or lesser value) for half price.
Check it out at justuswomen.etsy.com.
Happy Easter!
Buy any set of stationery and get another set (of equal or lesser value) for half price.
Check it out at justuswomen.etsy.com.
Happy Easter!
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