new: hand painted valentines

I painted a few cards with gouache and watercolor for the upcoming holiday.  
All of these designs are available in my shop!

wheeler on the bay

Another beautiful day on the oregon coast...

new: screen printed stationery

I'm now offering screen printed stationery in my shop!

The Hello design is also available in postcard form.

My Five Senses Postcards are now screen printed too!

I'm digging the new distressed look.

What do you guys think?

hand lettering

While flipping through my old sketchbooks I came across these hand lettering doodles.  
I love drawing and painting letters!

wrapping paper

I played with white butcher paper and acrylic paint to make wrapping paper for the holidays.  I fastened the gifts with japanese masking tape to add a pop of color.  I tied a few of the boxes with hemp and made tags from scraps of gray board.

I'm thinking about making more wrapping paper and selling it in my shop.

What do you guys think?

handmade ornaments

My pal, Dryden, hosted a handmade ornament swap on her blog last month.  I'm finally getting around to sharing photos of the ornaments I contributed.  I really enjoyed making these lil guys.  I'd like to experiment more with three dimensional mini paper projects.

Hope the new year is treating you well!